Countdown at the Mind Sports Olympiad

Played on

Monday 30th August 2021

Congrats to the medal winners:

Gold Ronan Higginson
Silver Thomas Carey
Bronze Bradley Horrocks

and those on four wins: Billy Stokes and S P.

Round Scores


Showing order after round 5 based on wins scored (with 1 win added for 2 byes).
Top two pairs of players selected for final/3rd-4th game by wins/points scored.

1Thomas Carey11+17+10+2+4+5
2Ronan M Higginson13+9+15+1-5+4
3Bradley Horrocks6-18+9+20+13+4
4S P8+20+19+10+1-4
5Billy Stokes16+15+20+13+2-4
6Tony Atkins3+......17+...3
7Wesley Barton19+10-13-18+14+3
8Kati Christova4-16+21+9-10+3
9James Robinson14+2-3-8+15+3
10Adam Dexter17+7+1-4-8-2
11Martyn Hamer1-21+16-......2
12Istenem Lorrimer20+19-18-21+...2
13Eeshan Malhotra2-14+7+5-3-2
14Wolfram Poh9-13-17+16+7-2
15Fiona T21+5-2-19+9-2
16Martin Thompson5-8-11+14-19+2
17Julia Haywood10-1-14-6-18+1
18Ian Peek...3-12+7-17-1
19Paul Talmey7-12+4-15-16-1
20D Ly12-4-5-3-...0
21Abhi Singla15-11-8-12-...0

S P is Samir Pilica, Istenem Lorrimer is Lori Church, Billy Stokes is Tim Hebbes, Fiona T is Fiona Titcombe.

Results shown with results reversed in games by D Ly and one by Abhi Singla after the server discounted them.

1st-2nd Game

Ronan Higginson 115 - 102 Thomas Carey

3rd-4th Game

Bradley Horrocks 122 - 105 Billy Stokes

Home Last updated: 2021-08-31.